Offering a wide array of Compliance Services
Specialists in:
- Housing Tax Credit - (HTC)
- Housing Trust Fund - (HTF)
- Multi-Family Bond - (MFBond)
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Affordable Housing - (FDIC-AHP)
- Property Transfer Applications
- Comprehensive Compliance Classes with Customized Manuals
- Research and Response on Non-Compliance Letters
- Owner Representation during File Reviews
- Owner Representation during Penalty Committee Reviews
- Creation of Custom Tenant Selection Plan/Affirmative Marketing Plan
- On-Going Compliance Oversight - Annual Contract
- Provision of required Forms not supplied by TDHCA/MDSI/TSAHC
- Bilingual Assistance (Spanish)
- Due Diligence Compliance Reviews - Files/Documents/Special Needs Units
- Assistance with Compliance Office set-up
- Electronic Applications and Other Required Forms - Processing & Archive
- HAP Contract Application or Removal
Creative group sessions puposefully intended for 3-20 participants. This allows us to have quality Q & A time.
We recognize that
NO TWO LURAs, HAPS, or Regulatory Agreements are the same. Therefore, ALL classes are tailored to your specific Property Agreement.
A PROPERTY SPECIFIC Compliance Manual is issued to each student. Students gain expertise in all aspects of their Property's Housing Program. Attendees
learn about the Purpose of the Program and how to implement the
necessary tools
for successful
day-to-day compliance management!
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Application Processing
- Math Calculations
- Tenant Selection Plan
- Affirmative Marketing
- Fair Housing
- Reporting
- Income vs Assets
- Special Needs
- So much more!
At the end of each Class,
a Comprehensive Compliance Test
is administered.
The purpose of the Test
is to gauge the student's understanding of the Housing Program that governs their Property.
The Test combines sample Household
Asset and Income determinations along with a series of True and False statements.
The Property Owner or Property Supervisor is informed of each attendee's score as requested.